I have recently been getting a lot deeper into language design and compiler architecture, and in my conquest to find the right language to build my next language, I've started learning Zig. I've been watching a few conference talks from Andrew Kelley and his approach to language design really resonates with me but the biggest feature that has stood out to me from Zig is its metaprogramming.
Zig's metaprogramming sticks out because it is quite restricted, in fact. You can't allocate memory, you can't interact with raw token streams or generate code for the compiler, and it imposes branch quotas for code that is run at comptime. However, despite these limitations, it is extraordinarily powerful for generating data and types at comptime. I just finished building a lexer generator entirely in Zig comptime and I want to take you along the journey of building it.
A little bit background
Zig's metaprogramming is unique in what you can use it to do. For example, Rust has a form of metaprogramming. You can write a procedural macro crate, which the compiler will invoke with a stream of tokens, to which you can respond with a stream of tokens. This is convenient in that it makes generating code super easy. However, it is super inconvenient because you now have to split your implementation across multiple crates and multiple contexts.
Zig is a little bit different, because functions that are run at comptime (compile time) are located directly alongside the rest of your code. Instead of working directly with tokens, comptime works with semantic values. For example, you may build a type based on some static data (foreshadowing for later).
The standard library dynamic array in Zig is implemented entirely in userland (user written code, outside of the compiler) utilizing metaprogramming. It is just a function that returns a struct type. In the parameters of the function, it takes another type as the type to use for items. From there, it constructs an opaque type that implements a dynamic array. Here is a small example of how someone else may implement a dynamic array in Zig:
fn ArrayList(comptime Item: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
items: []Item,
/// Initialize a dynamic array that is empty
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) Self {
return .{
.allocator = allocator,
.items = &Item{};
/// Ensure that the length of `self.items` is at least `size`
fn ensureCapacity(self: *Self, size: usize) !void {
// ...
/// Insert `item` into the dynamic array, allocating if needed
fn append(self: *Self, item: Item) !void {
const idx = self.items.len;
try self.ensureCapacity(self.items.len);
self.items[idx] = item;
There are a few things to note here. The first is that this is just a regular function. It takes some parameters, returns a value, and can be called like any other function. Its parameter is a type. This could be any struct, enum, union, etc. The function also returns a type. Same deal with this one, but in our case we know it always returns a struct.
Zig's type system is lazily evaluated. Types aren't resolved until they are referenced by code. So that means that the append function in that example could have type errors in it, but they wouldn't be shown to the user unless the append function was actually called.
This is actually a phenomenal design because it means that we can compute
structures at compile time while still the having full type safety that the
language provides. The compiler would throw an error if you try to call a
function that doesn't exist on that structure returned by the ArrayList
Lazy type evaluation is nice because it also means that types can be referred to
with variables. So I could make a variable equal to ArrayList(u8)
and use that
variable as a shorthand for that dynamic array of bytes. In the example above,
the Item
parameter will effectively be a type alias for whatever type is
passed in as that argument.
The problem we're trying to solve
I want to be able to rapidly iterate and build languages, as I explore language design and compiler architecture. The first stage of any language is breaking the source code up into larger blocks that the parser can form into hierarchical structures representing the code for the compiler to convert into machine code and so on and so forth.
I've built up some pretty simple backtracking and recursive descent lexers, so I know what I'm doing I just don't want to have to do it each time. At the end of the day, I just care about the token variant and the pattern of the token. In my perfect world (we live in that world), I would be able to define a lexer like this:
const MyLexer = Lexer(.{
.Comment = .{ .pattern = "//([^\n])*" },
.Division = .{ .pattern = "/" },
.Func = .{ .pattern = "func" },
.String = .{ .pattern = "\"([^\"]|\\\\\")*\"" },
.Newline = .{ .pattern = "(\n|\r\n)", .skip = true },
.Ident = .{ .pattern = "\\w\\W*" },
const lexer = MyLexer.init(allocator);
const tokens = try lexer.lex(input);
I can tell it what to name each token variant, give it a pattern to match that variant by, and other miscellaneous settings relating to the token such as whether or not to skip it. In fact, even more ideally the token enum that represents each type of token it could be shouldn't even include those skipped token variants (we're going to make even more ideally). I can quickly and easily add new tokens or change existing ones. I don't need to know any implementation details, just what I want it to give me out the back end.
Making sense of the data
So, we know we want to write a function that takes in some data and returns a struct that can be used to lex input. As you could imagine, the first step is going to be just understanding the input data. We want to take in a struct with fields, whose name is going to be the name of the token, and whose value is going to contain information about that token.
Zig offers us a special type to take in unknown shaped data as input. This is
the anytype
type. This resolves to allowing a value with an unknown type. So
far, our function looks like this:
fn Lexer(comptime tokens: anytype) type {
return struct {
// ...
Now we need to convert that tokens
variable into data that is easier for us to
use. It would be way easier to have just an array of token patterns, which are
just structs with a couple fields containing the data.
const TokenPattern = struct {
name: []const u8,
pattern: []const u8,
skip: bool = false,
fn tokenPatternsFromTokens(comptime tokens: anytype) [@typeInfo(@TypeOf(tokens)).Struct.fields.len]TokenPattern {
// grab the fields of `tokens` and create an array with the same number
const fields = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(tokens)).Struct.fields;
var token_patterns: [fields.len]TokenPattern = undefined;
// iterate through the fields to construct a token pattern
for (fields, 0..) |field, i| {
// initialize the current pattern with just the name set to the name of the
// field
var pattern: TokenPattern = .{ .name = undefined, .pattern = undefined };
pattern.name = field.name;
// grab out the settings struct
const settings = @field(tokens, field.name);
// iterate over the fields of the settings
for (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(settings)).Struct.fields) |setting| {
// set the field of the pattern equal to the same naming field of the
// settings
@field(pattern, setting.name) = @field(settings, setting.name);
// insert the current pattern into the array of patterns
token_patterns[i] = pattern;
// return the patterns
return token_patterns;
Here is our function that is going to take that tokens
and convert it into our
array of token patterns. I know it's a lot, so let's take it piece by piece. We
have a function that takes in an argument of any type. We'll get to that weird
syntax in a second, but for now I'll just say it returns an array of token
patterns with a length equal to the number of fields in the input struct.
First off, we want to get those fields. To do this, we first need to get the
type of the struct. We do this with the builtin function @TypeOf
. That's a
function that takes in an anytype
and returns a type
. We can then use the
builtin function to convert that type into a
This is our first little real metaprogramming nugget, where we can inspect the
type of any value. We just grab the fields out of that type and throw it into
the fields
Now that we have a field, we can initialize an array whose length is the same as the number of fields. Notice that we can create an array whose length is based on one of the arguments. This wouldn't be possible in runtime code, since the compiler would need to know how much space on the stack to allocate at compile time. Since our code is running at compile time, we can do this.
Next up is just iterating through those fields and filling out that array to
return. We create the token and fill out its name with the name of the field.
Next up is grabbing the token settings from that struct. We need to use the
builtin function to do this, since we only have a string value
representing the field name instead of the actual field value.
Next up is doing roughly the same thing of iterating over the fields in the
struct, but this time it's the fields representing the individual token's
settings. On each field, we set the same naming field of the token we are
constructing equal to the value of that field. So each token is specified with a
pattern. That pattern value is copied from the input into the token. The same
thing happens to additional fields, so if I specify skip
as well, it is
automatically filled for that token.
Last up is to insert that token we just constructed into the array of token patterns, to then be returned. At the end of this, we get a destructured set of tokens to generate a lexer for.
Parsing the lexer
This is an instance where regular expressions kinda work really well. Now I'm of course not talking about full regular expressions. That would be overkill. I'm talking about the idea of regular expressions. I can specify a pattern of characters represented by a string that roughly resembles the shape of the pattern. I call it Irregular Functions™️.
Basically we just want basic grouping, the ability to quantify a group, the ability to invert a character match, etc. So it'll be a stripped down language inspired by regular expressions. Note that it is only inspired by regex so I actually don't need a license.
We'll have the following features:
to group together patterns(|)
to match either one pattern or another[]
to match one out of a set of characters[^]
to match anything other than a set of characters*
to match a certain quantity of patterns
These are really all the basic features we need to be able to match code. As
you'll notice, this is structured data. To specify a string, for example, I
would want to write something like this: "(\\"|[^"])*"
. This will match:
- a double quote
- zero or more of
- any character that's not a double quote
- a backslash then a double quote
- a double quote
So this means we're going to need to parse out the data. I won't go into the implementation details of that because it is a pretty basic recursive descent parser and that's out of the scope of this article. Instead, we can talk about dynamic arrays in comptime.
I mentioned at the beginning that memory can't be allocated in comptime. This makes sense for a language design perspective because that really complicates the boundary around transferring data from comptime -> runtime. Additionally, the allocator API is implemented in the standard library, and allowing dynamic allocation in comptime would force that API into the compiler. That's not necessarily bad it's just not the direction that Zig wants to take.
However, this means that we also don't have a dynamic array at comptime. That's a kinda useful data structure and I would like to use one, so let's build one. I mentioned earlier that, while we can't dynamically allocate memory, we can allocate arrays since we're in comptime. This means that we can implement dynamic arrays ourselves.
Effectively, what we're doing is something like this:
fn ArrayList(comptime Item: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const EXPAND_AMOUNT = 8;
items: []Item,
len: usize,
fn expand(self: *Self, amount: usize) void {
var new: [self.items.len + amount]Item = undefined;
@memcpy(new[0..self.items.len], self.items);
self.items = &new;
fn append(self: *Self, item: Item) void {
if (self.items.len <= self.len) {
self.items[self.len] = item;
self.len += 1;
(This is pseudocode and I don't actually know if it'll work. The current and admittedly bad implementation can be found on Github. I was still learning Zig when I wrote this so it doesn't work the way I would write it today but I haven't gotten around to refactoring it yet)
What we're doing at the end of the day is allocating a new array of length that is a bit larger than what it currently is. About how you'd implement one for runtime, we just have the benefit of not having to worry about an allocator.
Something to note here is that, while we can perform this sort of "dynamic
allocation", Zig also imposes a limit to the number of branches that can be
executed at comptime. This means that if we need to expand the array a whole
bunch of times during comptime, we'll eventually run out of quota. I think Zig
comptime is intended for pretty trivial cases, but I don't really care. We can
extend the limit with the builtin function @setEvalBranchQuota
. I do that, but
I won't include it in any of the examples here for brevity. Because there is
still a lot of code to get to.
Building the data
Now that we have a bunch of parsed out patterns, we can start to make them useful. The type of lexer we will build is based on a finite state machine. Effectively, we want to build up a bunch of tables that point to other tables based on the next character of input.
I'm not going to go into the full implementation details of this algorithm. But effectively, we just recursively iterate through the characters of the pattern and build up a graph representing the paths of that pattern. This process generates jump tables. These are just maps from a character code to an index of the next jump table. So our data structures end up looking something like this:
const JumpTables = struct {
tables: ArrayList(JumpTable),
const JumpTable = struct {
// the usize is an index into the tables array above
chars: Map(u8, usize),
sequences: Map(u8, usize),
fallthrough: ?struct {
char: u8,
index: usize,
What's great about getting this structure out the back end is that it ends up just being data. In the compiled binary, it's just some bytes in one of the data sections. So we can use it to lex input, but it's also just data that describes our lexer. So our lexer is self describing. We can use that data to actually visualize what our lexer looks like. So I also built out a little exporter to graphviz to help with debugging the insertion algorithm, and here's what popped out the backside :)
That's a simple grammar just to make sure the major features were implemented, but it still helps to show the overall shape of what the lexer will be doing. Each node on the graph represents a point in the input, and each branch from that node represents a potential next character after the current character.
For this structure, we're going to want a map data structure. This'll be much of
the same implementing data structures to work in comptime. We'll use the
struct that we've already built to build out the map. The
implementation details of data structures is out of the scope of this article,
so I'm not going to talk about it. Just know that our jump tables are just a
bunch of maps in an array.
Using the data we built
Now that we've got this data, we can actually use it to process some input. Effectively we want to iterate through the input text, tracking whichever jump table we're at. At each character, we grab the current jump table, then match the current character to a branch on the jump table. We set that index as the current jump table and move on to the next character. It's actually a super simple implementation, which is what's great about being able to generate this data at compile time.
One thing to note, at this point is, how we pass data through the comptime to runtime barrier. As you can imagine, Zig will be not too happy if you specify these types wrong. This was a particular issue during development, where I somehow started running into cases where the compiler wouldn't even emit an error. It was just give me a red "errored" with no stack trace or anything. Heed my warning and write your types correctly!
The main point is that data generated at compile time is constant. We need to
make sure the data we reference at runtime is all marked as constant. This also
includes converting arrays into many-item pointers. I guess slices can't pass
the boundary from some reason or another, but make sure you convert them. For
our ArrayList
type, that may include writing a function to compile the array
into a constant many-item pointer.
fn ArrayList(comptime Item: type) type {
return struct {
// ...
pub fn compile(self: *const Self) [*]const Item {
const length = self.len;
var items: [length]Item = undefined;
@memcpy(items[0..], self.items[0..length]);
const const_items = items;
return &const_items;
Make sure you notice that line right before the return. I found that this line is very important, and without creates those weird non-error errors. I guess this solidifies the constant nature of the data? I don't really know. But this should work. Just make sure you appease the Zig Gods and you should be fine. Only constant data can come out of comptime.
Another thing is that you must call your comptime functions as const members of returned structs.
fn Lexer(comptime tokens: anytype) type {
return struct {
const token_patterns = tokenPatternsFromTokens(tokens);
pub const Token = compile_token_type(&token_patterns);
const static_jump_table = compile_static_jump_map(&token_patterns, TokenType);
// ... code that uses static_jump_table
This is just another comptime boundary thing. Super minor, just don't try to create a variable outside of the struct that uses it. This is an error, but luckily one that Zig will bubble out to you.
Using our data
So now that we are lexing through the input, we are on the home stretch. Ideally, I want to have out an enum with each token pattern in it, fully type checked and everything (reminder in case you forgot: we live in an ideal world). Zig allows us to also construct data types programmatically. So since we already just have an array with all our token patterns, we can turn those patterns into enum variants and construct an enum representing each token variant.
fn compile_token_type(comptime token_patterns: []const TokenPattern) type {
// initialize an empty array of fields to be put in the enum
var enum_fields: [token_patterns.len]std.builtin.Type.EnumField = undefined;
// iterate through the patterns
for (token_patterns, 0..) |pattern, i| {
// the enum field needs a null terminated string, so we build one here
var name: [pattern.name.len:0]u8 = undefined;
@memcpy(name[0..], pattern.name);
// create the enum field and put it into the array
enum_fields[i] = .{
.name = &name,
.value = i,
// construct the enum type
const tag = @Type(.{
.Enum = .{
// we also construct an int type here that only contains the number of
// bits required to express each enum individual variant
.tag_type = @Type(.{ .Int = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = @ceil(@log2(@as(f32, token_patterns.len))) } }),
.fields = enum_fields,
.decls = &.{},
.is_exhaustive = true,
// return a token type with a token variant and slice into the input
return struct {
token_type: tag,
source: []const u8,
So we can programmatically construct a type with the @Type
builtin enum. This
takes in a
returns a type
. You can use this to generate any type you really want. The sky
is the limit. You can construct whatever shape or size you want. Go hog wild. I
won't judge. I built a lexer in comptime.
But this really gives us a nice development experience, because the compiler runs this code at compile time, we get full type safety with it. If I try to reference a type of token that I never specified to the original function, I'll get compile errors. Additionally, we can extend it to not even include skipped token patterns in that enum. So if we switch over the token variant, we won't need to include those skipped variants that will never show up anyway.
Reaping the rewards of our labor
By building out all of this stuff at comptime, we can actually start building out some nice APIs for runtime, beyond just performing the lex. As an example, wanting to shortcircuit a match on specific token types. Like, if I wanted to parse out a literal expression. So a plain string or boolean value or integer or whatever, as a AST node.
fn parseLiteralExpression(token: Token) ?Expression {
switch (token.match(&.{ .String, .Boolean, .Integer })?) {
.String => // ...
.Boolean => // ...
.Integer => // ...
This is where I only want to need to handle a few different types of tokens in
this function. Everything else, I want to return a null. So I call the match
function, which takes in an array of token variants and return an optional token
that contains a variant of only the variants it got in and source slice. We can
effectively do identical to what we did with constructing the origin token type.
fn compile_token_type(comptime token_patterns: []const TokenPattern) type {
return {
// ...
fn MatchedType(comptime tokens: []const tag) type {
// construct the array of enum variants
var token_types: [tokens.len]std.builtin.Type.EnumField = undefined;
for (tokens, 0..) |token, i| {
token_types[i] = .{
.name = @tagName(token),
.value = i,
// construct the enum type
const matched_tag = @Type(.{
.Enum = .{
.tag_type = @Type(.{ .Int = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = @ceil(@log2(@as(f32, tokens.len))) } }),
.fields = token_types.get(),
.decls = &.{},
.is_exhaustive = true,
return struct {
token_type: matched_tag,
source: []const u8,
fn match(self: *const Self, comptime tokens: []const tag) ?MatchedType(tokens) {
// inline the iteration through the provided list of tokens
inline for (tokens, 0..) |token, i| {
// check if the current token has a type equal to the iterated token
// type
if (token == self.token_type) {
// if so, return the matched token type
return .{
.token_type = @enumFromInt(i),
.source = self.source,
// if no token matches, return null
return null;
Like I said, we're really just reaping the rewards of our labor at this point. Nothing really new, just applying everything we already know to build a nice little API for interacting with our system. The only real new thing here is the inline for. This effectively just unrolls the loop for us at compile time, since the array that we're iterating over is known at compile time.
And that's it! We've built out a really nice little lexer generator for super quick and painless iteration. We used Zig's comptime system to its limits and got a really nice little API out of it. I mainly wrote this because I ran into a bunch of these issues when I was learning Zig comptime, so I hope you can take away something and maybe write some cool comptime too :)
If you're interest, the full source code can be found on Github.
Thanks for reading! My name is Matt and I'm super passionate about language design and compiler architecture. I've been streaming exploring these topics over on Twitch, and built most of this project on stream. If you have any questions or just want to chat about any of this other stuff, feel free to stop by :)